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Thank you for supporting me in my Public Artist in Residency. It was an amazing opportunity. Learn more about what I did in 2021 below!

I am so honored to have been selected as Salem’s Public Artist in Residence (PAiR) for 2021! I will be located in downtown Salem, MA, on the vibrant Artists’ Row during my residency. Over the next 8-months (May–December), I will be working with the Salem community to create four two-month-long explorations. Each exploration will consist of a collaborative maker studio and an exploratory installation. Learn more about Everyone Explores and how to get involved below!

Thank you to everyone who has helped me create this space!


More About the space

Everyone Explores is free and open to the public in two unique ways:

  1. as a collaborative maker studio where visitors are welcome to help create curated elements for a culminating exploratory installation, and

  2. as the exploratory installation which is an eight-day immersive installation that engages all of the senses. The installation will incorporate all of the elements that have been made while space was set us the maker studio.

Throughout my eight-month residency, there will be four different themes each lasting for around two months. My current theme Night Sky runs from September 8th–October 24th.



collaborative studio

A curated set of activities will be available for visitors to create. Each of these creations will be an element of the exploratory installation at the end of each two-month theme. The studio will be open for around five weeks for each theme.

Have you already visited? Provide me with feedback!

Photo by Bob Packert

Photo by Bob Packert

Exploratory Installation

There will be four themes during the eight months that Everyone Explores is open. The first theme will be Baker-Miller pink. The entire space will be monochrome and have a mix of materials and textures to make it an engaging place to explore.

These installations will be accessible to our visitors by activating all senses (not everyone relies on sight to explore their surroundings):

  • Sight visually stunning with the use of graphics, paint, textiles, lighting, projections, etc.

  • Hearing music to enhance the theme

  • Smell aromatics to enhance the theme

  • Touch different textures on the walls to the floor

  • Taste something small like a bowl Dumb-Dumbs at the entrance that complements the theme

Visitors are welcomed to touch with the installation but will be asked to explore with respect and kindness. Each experience will be open for around 10-days.

During COVID-19, there will be limited capacity in the space to ensure a safe experience. All will be required to wear a mask and use hand sanitizer before entering the space (Reach out for more information).

Get in touch


Artist’s Row

24 New Derby Street #5

Salem, MA 01970