National science survey report
We designed a slide deck report for the Association of Science and Technology Centers and Science Counts, summarizing the results of a wide-reaching national survey about Americans’ interest in science. The survey also covered what motivates Americans’ interests in science topics (and other hobbies or activities), as well as barriers to participation.
They had A LOT of data, but we worked with our client to pare it down to the essential key takeaways. The final deck was used to present to hundreds of science engagement practitioners.
Final design and concept sketch of one slide
Concept Sketches
Our work started on this project through a series of meetings with our client to go over their draft slide deck and immerse ourselves in the content. Once we understood what they were trying to say, we sketched out new and different ways of communicating the information. Once we did these sketches, we went over them with our client before doing any final design. Since they could only present about 20 slides in this executive deck, many of the slides that we sketched out here had to be cut. It’s all part of the process!

Before and After