The Women Who Revolutionized Fashion
We worked on Made It: The Women Who Revolutionized Fashion, an exhibition developed by the Peabody Essex Museum. Working with their exhibition development team, we created four motion graphic components to help illustrate how culture impacts fashion and how fashion impacts culture.
For this exhibition we created
Three unique motion graphics showing the evolution of fashion
One text-based motion graphic at the conclusion of the exhibition
The layout, hierarchy, and organizational structure for each animation
Custom illustrations for each of the garments highlighted in the animations
Garment Illustrations
Based on reference images we illustrated each garment highlighted in these three motion graphics, a total of nine garments. This was a particularly difficult task since there were limited reference images available. We designed each illustration to have a consistent angle, proportion, and level of detail, to allow for a seamless morph from one to the next.
Vector outline (without cape)
Photoshop Color (without cape)
Garment on display
Vector outline
Photoshop Color
Garment on display

morphs, details, and cultural context
We used three main animation techniques to focus the viewers’ attention on specific content at different times throughout these animations: morphs, garment details, and cultural context. There are three different garments in each animation that morph from one to another, specific details that are key features to the garment, and a timeline indicating a cultural event that impact the fashion industry.
Exhibition photos