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Featured projects


Conference Hub Graphics at ASTC Conference

Exhibition for the Portsmouth Historical Society

For Association of Science and Technology Centers and Science Counts


Transit Matters advocacy one pager

for Springfield Prep Charter School

Senior Capstone Project Booklet


for Science Friday

Materials for Association of Science and Technology Centers

For the Edward M. Kennedy Institute


for Policy for Progress

Eight internal campaigns

for Peabody Essex Museum


Museum of Science, Tufts, and National Institutes of Health

for Boston College

Detroit Zoo Asian Forest habitat redesign


24-page science center visitor study for COVES

One-page visual summary of report findings


Two motion graphics for Empresses of China's Forbidden City exhibition

Permanent exhibit at the Museum of Science

A series of one-pagers to communicate study results


Activity and recipe cards

Projection based multimedia experience at the Museum of Science

12,000 sq. ft. traveling exhibition developed at the Museum of Science

10,000 sq. ft. permanent exhibition
at the Museum of Science

Design of a consultant's resumé in a visual format